Over the past year, Lagom has made it our business to champion exceptional women; the business entrepreneurs, the creatives, the super moms and above all else, those with an amazing eye for design and an ability to create functional yet well-formed spaces. Amie Brodie is one such woman, sharing her home life and love of style on Instagram, in an honest and beautiful way. She has been a friend of the Studio for a little while now, and has featured some of our favourite pieces in her first home renovation. In 2021, Lagom will be shining a light on the stories of the many amazing women we meet. Here is Amie's.

Amie's living room ft. our Oaxaca print.
Hey Amie! So I'd love to share a bit about who you are, for those who haven't met you yet. Can you tell me a bit about yourself?
Hey, sure! So I'm a mother of three and I love spending my days seaside on Tauranga’s golden shores. I'm an artist and designer by trade, I’ve always been passionate about fashion, style and photography. I love coffee and I have a weakness for chocolate and online shopping. I’m also a plant mum and have an extensive range of indoor plants!
Ahh, I wish I had that green thumb! So you've mentioned styling and photography, and your photos are always well thought out. Would you say that is a main passion of yours?
Yes, I love photography and creating content on Instagram. For me it’s a creative outlet, a place where I can express myself freely. You’ll also find me fluffing about my home, styling, rearranging and watering my plants. I love interior design. I’ll look through magazines or Instagram for inspiration and new ideas.
Beautiful! From our chats, I also happen to know that you were a Graphic Designer AND you're an artist! (If you are reading this and haven't seen her paintings, get her to show you!)
I'd love to know more about the type of design you did, how you'd describe your personal artistic aesthetic and what inspires your subject matter?
I loved company branding; when a company would come to you to bring their business to life! I would start with a logo and then build out their creative assets, including everything from business cards, letterheads to signage. When it comes to painting I used to love painting people, animals, and birds, in a more realistic style. I haven’t picked up the paint brush since Amira was born, but will get back into it when I don’t have little hands touching everything!

Amie's master bedroom ft. our Arizona print.
Maybe a dedicated studio room is needed! I know that you are currently in your first home. What was that journey like and what was important about the space you were looking for when deciding to buy?
Looking for our first home wasn’t easy. You have a certain budget and you know you are not going to walk into a dream home. It was going to be something that needed work. I’ve always loved weatherboard homes, we had rented a couple and always said we’d love to own one and do her up. When this house came up we jumped at the opportunity. We were lucky we were able to put in an offer before it went to the market. We had one night to make a decision and we went for it!
That's amazing! Who or what inspires your interior style and how would you describe it?
I love neutral tones, textures, rattan, wood, Bali and beach vibes. I get a lot of inspiration from Instagram and also from two of my favourite magazines “Your Home and Garden” and “Homestyle”. I just love the warmth and feeling neutral tones bring. They’re pleasing to the eye. Also I love the beach so anything that brings beach vibes I love!
I think I know the answer, but what is your favourite room in your home and why?
I love Amira & Ari’s room. I love everything in it! I had so much fun creating it. It just makes me happy every time I see it!
Yes, it is a stunning room and we are stoked to be part of it! Following the journey of its creation was so much fun to watch and we can tell you put a lot of thought into how everything flowed. What is most important to you when designing a functional space for your family?
That when you walk into that space you feel warmth, at home and of course that you like what you see.

Amira and Ari's bedroom ft. custom sunrise print and Zagora print (not pictured).
Turning in a different direction now. Your feed is stunning and so well planned. When someone visits it, what is it that you are wanting to connect with them on?
At a base level it is to offer something aesthetically pleasing but also to offer inspiration on fashion, style and interior design. Also as a mother to connect with like-minded mothers about everyday family life. These little squares are just snippets, often our best snippets. So I love connecting personally with other Mums sharing our fun times and our not so fun times.
Knowing your a mama, what is one piece of wisdom or advice you'd impart to your children?
To be kind, always.
Obviously 2020 was a chaotic year! So in the same vein as the previous question, what words of wisdom would you give to other moms and females out there, who are finding it tough at the moment?
Don’t give up. There are better days. So often we can feel isolated in our feelings and challenges, but nothing we go through someone else has not gone through already or is going through also. You’re not alone. Better days do come. 2020 was definitely a year we would all like to put behind us. Compared to other countries we seem to have come off pretty unscathed, but I know there were still many families & businesses that have suffered. Don’t be scared to reach out for help. There are many people and organisations ready to help. Even calling a friend , a listening ear to talk to is a big help. Sometimes that’s all we need.
This is a question I love to ask anyone I interview and it is about self care. It is a topic that I think is very important, whether its done through the creation of a calming space, having a bubble bath or even reading. When you get a free hour or two in your day, or at the end of the day, what is your pamper / self care go to?
Self care is so important to me! If I don’t make time for myself it shows. I get stressed, tired and anxious, and then I’m no good to anyone. I know that if I make time to enjoy the things I love, even just a drive to grab a Starbucks latte childfree I feel recharged. Other ways I self care are dining with girlfriends, I love trying new restaurants and chatting until we’re kicked out haha. I also enjoy going to the gym for a good weight training session....so good for the soul. Clears my head and makes me feel so good. I feel sluggish when I don’t get to the gym. I also love a good Netflix and chill after the kids have gone to bed, my current obsession “Bridgeton” I’ll watch it all over again for the Duke!
Finally, we are now in 2021. Is there anything big or small that you want to achieve in the year ahead?
I’m currently saving for a new camera.... a Canon 5D Mark iv . I’m not a saver so wish me luck! I would love to get more into photography.
1 comment
I love watching Amies adventures and styles. Amie helped me with colours and furnishing for our master bedroom. I even brought her macrame she had, off her. I now love our room, its relaxing and the vibe is fantastic. Thanks Amie.